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How to Keep Your House “Show Ready”

Are you listing your home for sale soon or just did and now you’re wondering, “how on earth do I keep it looking like the list photos at a moments notice?!”

You’ve come to the right place and we are here to help you do just that!

You’ve done all the difficult prep work of removing personal items like photos and hobby collections, decluttered and packed up items you won’t need before moving, cleaned the house better than you ever have before, the listing photos have been taken, the realtor just sent your live listing link, now what? Your realtor has either setup an open house date or let you know to expect showing requests any time now, and you’re standing in your soon to be ex house thinking “but we still have to live here!”

Whether it’s just you or your family of five, daily living in a house can make it difficult to show at a moment’s notice when that call from your realtor comes through. Let’s dive into some top tips below to help you feel like you have a plan of action and can keep ahead of the day-to-day clutter that develops to keep your house in “show ready” shape!

Tip #1 - Fluff and Fold

Basic tidying is one of the best ways to keep your house looking fresh for potential buyers! Fluff pillows, fold blankets, make beds, and wipe down bathroom counters, sink, and mirrors every morning before heading out for the day. This helps with those midday showings, you know it’s not a problem because it was sparkling when you left the house!

Tip #2 - Life Bins

Picking up clutter as you go is a big time saver. Whether you have pets or kids, toys and other items being drug around the house can be an issue. Doing quick pick ups as you go is key to not rushing through every room at once to make sure there’s not random lego or underwear lying around! Having “life bins” in each room to toss miscellaneous items into quickly can be a game changer. Throw it all in and then rehome those out of place items at the end of the day or when you have a few spare minutes. We love options like this and this that look nice and provide plenty of storage!

"A tidy, show-ready home isn’t just for looks, it communicates to any potential buyer that you’re serious about a clean, comfortable, and enjoyable transaction process as well." – Matt Vaughn, Owner/Broker at District Realty

Tip #3 - Show Kitchens

Think about how kitchens on all your favorite HGTV shows look, that’s what buyers want to see. Clear counters, no dishes in the sink, a sparkling oasis ready for their cooking or hosting prowess to be unleashed! The best way to keep up this kind of visual is to have small appliances put away, load dishes in the dishwasher right away, wipe down counters and sink, and take out the trash daily before leaving or have a lidded can (a locking one is an even better option).

Tip #4 - Keep it Fresh

Scent is one of the major memory making senses. If you can tap into this while making a great visual impression on potential buyers, it will help solidify the memory of your house. We want them to say, “which house was the one that smelled super fresh and clean? I’d like to take a second look!” One way to do this is adding a fresh bowl of fruit or a vase of fresh flowers to the kitchen counter or dining area. (Freshen every 3-7 days.) Another is to use essential oils or a nontoxic room spray with a fresh scent.

Tip #5 - Breathe

Finally, take a breath and enjoy your beautiful house. Selling a house and moving is stressful so be sure to enjoy the fruits of your labor and give yourself a bit of grace along the way. Didn’t get the morning toothpaste off the counter and your realtor just called to schedule a promising showing?! Take a deep breath and know that even buyers are human and they have families too so they’ll understand some stray toys or shoes. You’re doing great and even following one of these tips consistently during the showing of your house will go a long way with potential buyers.

You’re a ”Show Ready” Ninja

With these top tips in your arsenal you’re ready to show your house at a moments notice with minimal work. Congratulations! Want to keep these tips handy? Grab an abbreviated version of these tips in our pdf guide here! Feeling overwhelmed and ready for some help getting or keeping your house “show ready?” We’d love to help, click here!

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